
maandag, juli 19, 2004

Paul Foot, one of the last century's greatest journalists, dies

BBC NEWS | UK | Veteran journalist Paul Foot dies

There are so few genuinely socialist journalists left in this world, and Paul Foot, though I'm sure he did not believe in such stuff, has, damn him, left this one for the next far too early.

The BBC obituary above is followed by a long list of tributes to the man. I encourage you to read them whoever you are, but if you are a young journalist like myself, read them and you will learn what a true journalist was. It simply, but proudly, is nothing more than to obey that old imperative: "Afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted." He did, and amply. Would that there were more like him.

The dying Wobblie organiser, Joe Hill, commanded, "Don't mourn. Organise!" But we mourn nonetheless.

Farewell, comrade.